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Living Clojure - A Study Group


This is an online study group dedicated to learning the Clojure language. The target audience is people who have done some programming in other languages and want to learn Clojure.

The study group will meet online for one hour every other week. The meeting schedule / time is still being worked out, but it will be something like 9pm Pacific time.

I'd love to get a group of 4-5 people together for this.


Before each session, all participants will be expected to work though some section of the book. Perhaps that will be a chapter at a time. You will be expected to do all exercises in the book beforehand.

During each session, we will each take turns displaying / writing up our answers interactively. I don't have the details figured out yet but presumably we can use google hangouts or maybe some sort of collaborative code editing tool.

The idea is that by writing and explaining your code to others, you will develop a deeper understanding of how everything works.

The Book

We will be using Living Clojure.

Other Thoughts

I participated in a Scala study group session at work that used this format, and it seemed to work well (although I learned I really disliked Scala).

The idea here is to have fun and learn something interesting. If we are all working toward a common goal we can support each other.

Our Founder
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