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I guess I'm going to try a WikiBlog here on this page. I might go back to the old format later.

If this is your first time here, you should start at NewYorkNotes.

I did try the AddComment plugin on this page, but it really isn't what I want. So, back to the usual.

On Being a New-Yorker

1. At my company lunch on Friday, I brought up an item I had read in the New York Times by saying, so I saw this piece in the Times yesterday.

Because, of course, if you live in NYC, there is only one Times. You can also refer to the Wall Street Journal as the Journal.

2. I was talking to a friend yesterday, and he was telling me about this great new girl he's been seeing. Nice personality, nice body, lots of fun. Oh, and she also has a huge apartment.

That is such a New Yorker thing to think and say. Would you go out with someone because they had a big apartment? Think about your priorities.

New term overheard at Rudy's, the Hell's Kitchen dive bar we frequent: knuckle up. As in, "hey buster, want to step outside and knuckle up?''

Coincidentally, my mom passed on a story today in which a character used the term chin music. Now I automatically thought that was in the same vein as knuckle up. Turns out it just means talking too much. I like my definition better.

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Comment on NewYorkNotesThree:

Hey, enjoyed reading your insight on NYC. Still have no desire to live there! Thanks for taking an hour out of my boring workday! Pam

I love your pages.. I don't know about the "people are nicer here bit" especially if you're from Santa Cruz, but anyway.. I moved to SF from rural eastern Washington I guess NYC would be the next step. You give a pretty good perspective.

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