
These are my notes on configuring lm_sensors on the SuperMicro P3TDDR motherboard. This dual PIII motherboard is found in the SuperMicro 6011H server.

In case you don't know what this page is for, lm_sensors is the linux software package for reading the sensor data (temperatures, fan speeds, voltages) that is available on many modern motherboards.

dmidecode output:

Manufacturer: Supermicro
Product Name: P3TDDR

I found the correct modules to run by running /usr/sbin/sensors-detect. Modules:


Note that sensors-detect tells you to load the w83627hf module, which I think may exist in newer versions of lm_sensors. I didn't have that so I tried the w83781d module instead. Appears to work fine.

Here's the /etc/sensors.conf:

chip "w83782d-*" "w83627hf-*"

    label in0 "VCore 1"
    label in1 "VCore 2"
    label in2 "+3.3V"
    label in3 "+5V"
    label in4 "+12V"
    label in5 "-12V"
    label in6 "-5V"
    label in7 "V5SB"
    label in8 "VBat"

    compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ ,  @/((6.8/10)+1)
    compute in4 ((28/10)+1)*@  ,  @/((28/10)+1)
    compute in5 (5.14 * @) - 14.91  ,  (@ + 14.91) / 5.14
    compute in6 (3.14 * @) -  7.71  ,  (@ +  7.71) / 3.14
    compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ ,  @/((6.8/10)+1)

# set limits to  5% for the critical voltages
# set limits to 10% for the non-critical voltages
# set limits to 20% for the battery voltage

    set in0_min vid*0.95
    set in0_max vid*1.05
    set in1_min vid*0.95
    set in1_max vid*1.05
    set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95
    set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05
    set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95
    set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05
    set in4_min 12 * 0.90
    set in4_max 12 * 1.10
    set in5_max -12 * 0.90
    set in5_min -12 * 1.10    set in7_min 5 * 0.95
    set in7_max 5 * 1.05
    set in8_min 3.0 * 0.80
    set in8_max 3.0 * 1.20

label fan1 "CPU1 Fan"
label fan2 "CPU2 Fan"
label fan3 "Chs1 Fan"

# These systems use one big fan for all cpus.
ignore fan1
ignore fan2

label temp1 "Chs1 Temp"
label temp2 "CPU2 Temp"
label temp3 "CPU1 Temp"

    set in6_max -5 * 0.95
    set in6_min -5 * 1.05

You should ignore the CPU2 temperature if you oinly have one cpu installed.

/usr/bin/sensors output should look something like this:

Adapter: SMBus Via Pro adapter at 5000
Algorithm: Non-I2C SMBus adapter
Memory type:            DDR SDRAM DIMM
Memory size (MB):       256

Adapter: ISA adapter
Algorithm: ISA algorithm
VCore 1:   +1.42 V  (min =  +1.38 V, max =  +1.52 V)
VCore 2:   +1.46 V  (min =  +1.38 V, max =  +1.52 V)
+3.3V:     +3.30 V  (min =  +3.14 V, max =  +3.46 V)
+5V:       +5.02 V  (min =  +4.74 V, max =  +5.24 V)
+12V:     +11.97 V  (min = +10.83 V, max = +13.19 V)
-12V:     -11.77 V  (min = -13.16 V, max = -10.90 V)
-5V:       +0.27 V  (min =  -5.26 V, max =  -4.76 V)
V5SB:      +5.48 V  (min =  +4.74 V, max =  +5.24 V)
VBat:      +3.14 V  (min =  +2.40 V, max =  +3.60 V)
Chs1 Fan: 4218 RPM  (min = 1424 RPM, div = 4)
Chs1 Temp:   +41°C  (limit =  +50°C, hysteresis =  +45°C) sensor = thermistor
CPU2 Temp: +41.0°C  (limit =  +85°C, hysteresis =  +80°C) sensor = thermistor
CPU1 Temp: +36.5°C  (limit =  +85°C, hysteresis =  +80°C) sensor = thermistor
vid:      +1.450 V
alarms:   Chassis intrusion detection                      ALARM
          Sound alarm disabled



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